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Open Cloze Are You Happy With Your Job

  1. Open cloze
  2. Are you happy with your job/career? If not what's stopping you from changing it? : AskReddit

Finding #1: You need to feel accomplished. According to the survey, a sense of accomplishment is the strongest driver of happiness for employees under 35 years old. "Employees want to feel like they're having an impact on the company, which means they need to see the results of their work, " says Crawford. Find it in your current job: "If you want that sense of accomplishment, set benchmarks for yourself and focus on making progress toward small goals, " says Stefanie Wichansky, CEO at Randolph, N. J., management consulting and staffing firm Professional Resource Partners. "For instance, if you're working on a six-month project, set progress check-ins every one to two weeks. By seeing that you've moved the dial, you'll feel more confident in your work. " Find it in your next job: Look for signs that the team or department you'd be working with is driven toward achievement. These signs may include employees mentioning things like "regular check-ins with the boss" or "great feedback" in the Kununu company review, or words like "goals" or "benchmarks" in job postings on Monster.

Open cloze

8 Anna will be going on maternity of the job. 9 Try to build up a good network a living as an actor. 10 We've had a ridiculous volume leave next 11. 2 Complete the conversation using words from the opposite page. Megan: Did you know my son's in Australia at the moment? He's doing a job swap with his opposite (1) ______________, the person who (2) ______________a similar position to his in the company's Sydney office. Jose: Wow, that's good! But I thought he wanted to go to the States this year? Well, yes. He did have a very tempting (3) ______________from a company in New York and he was about to accept, but then he had a (4) ______________of heart. So, have you met the exchange person from Sydney? Yes, he's been to dinner a couple of times. He'd like to settle here in fact and has asked us to tell everyone he's (5) ______________to offers from any companies that might be interested. Maybe your firm might be interested? Perhaps. We could do with someone with good Australian contacts. But we could really do with someone who could (6) ______________a post before the end of the year.

Are you happy with your job/career? If not what's stopping you from changing it? : AskReddit

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  • Open cloze are you happy with your job book

He's had far too much work to make recently. He's been put on a fast-train scheme for promotion and they're really pushing him. It's so hard that he's thinking of handing over his resignation and going freelancing. It wouldn't be easy but I'm sure he'd soon work a niche for himself as a sports journalist. ANSWER KEY 1 My husband and I do a job-share. 2 Circulate the report to all members 3 Jonas has been happier since he went 4 I hope it won't be necessary to lay off many of our staff. 5 It's not easy to make a living as an actor. 6 Meeting people is the best aspect of the job. 7 Marian was the last person to join the staff in our company. 8 Anna will be going on maternity leave next month. 9 Try to build up a good network of contacts. 10 We've had a ridiculous volume of work this month. 1 number 2 holds 3 offer 4 change 5 open 6 take up 7 right 8 take 1 The recession meant that the company had to lay off some workers/staff or lay some workers/ staff off. 2 Your family should really take priority over your work.

April 29, 2021, 12:02 am